Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ring Ring... Free Stuff Calling!

Little did I know I would wake up to a call from Games Workshop today giving me some congratulations on my 1st place at Ard Boyz Round 2. Needless to say I was happy because I knew what this phone call was going to be about.

What was this phone call about you ask? Why would Games Workshop call little old me? the answer is simple

Part of winning round 2 of Ard Boyz is you get a free 2.5k Army of your choice. Sad Part about is that you only get to pick the Race. After a little sweet talking though I was told its ok to give them a theme so now I should be getting what I want in the mail ( its being mailed out Friday ) I told them I want Air Vet IG. So im going to be getting 9 valks and alot of vet squads in the Mail. Im Tingling with the wait...

By: Peachykeen

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on winning the army! I will be watching as you get the air vets built!
