Sunday, January 31, 2010

Return to Hellmouth Round 2

Round 2

They used the 2nd mission from the 2nd round of Ard Boys. Its dawn of war and its night fight only turn one (the Ard boyz was the whole game but they changed it) There are 6 objectives on the board BUT only 3 of them are real. On turns 2,3 and 4 you roll a dice to see what objectives are the real ones.

Space Wolfs & Space Marines

Space Wolfs:

HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader, Mount, Frost Weapon, Storm Shield,

Troop 1: 5 Grey Hunters in a Razorback W/ Twin Linked Heavy Bolter

Troop 2: 5 Grey Hunters in a Razorback W/ Twin Linked Assault Cannon

Troop 3: 5 Grey Hunters in a Razorback W/ Twin Linked Assault Cannon

HQ: Rune Priest W/ Chooser of the slain, Jaws of the world wolf & Living Lightning

Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry W/ 1 Power Fist, 1 Storm Shield

Fast Attack: Thunderwolf Cavalry W/ 1 Power Fist, 1 Storm Shield

Space Marines:

HQ: Vulkan

Troop 1: Tac Squad W/ Meltagun, Multi-melta, Drop Pod and a Power Weapon

Troop 2: Tac Squad W/ Meltagun, Multi-melta, Drop Pod and a Power Weapon

Troop 3: Tac Squad W/ Meltagun, Multi-melta, Drop Pod and a Power Weapon

Elite 1: Dreadnought W/ Multi-melta and drop pod

Elite 2 6 Sternguard W/ 3 Combi-melta, 1 Power fist in a Razorback W/ TW Lascannon

We felt pretty good about this game going into it. They did not have a lot of speed or a lot of long range fire power. Good old Emperor's Tarot helped us get first turn. It was Dawn of war so we made sure we pushed them back so we had that extra time to get some shots off. We managed to push them back the max distance we could in a pretty good area. The rest of our army deployed really close together so that if they tried to deep strike and melta important things they would die before they got to shoot because of the Mystics. We left one of the devilfish far away from the rest of the army to bait them in. They deployed there Rune Priest and two squads of gray hunters.

Our turn 1 (night fight): One of the Chimera's was close enough to the Rhino with the Rune Priest in it that We thought we might as well sacrifice it to get a search light on the Rune Priests Rhino. The other two Chimera's that we deployed moved back to join the rest of the army. We managed to pop the Rune Priests Rhino but were out of range of everything else because of night fight.

There turn 1 (night fight): Everything came on and they deployed over the whole table. They wanted to have a good range of access to the counters for this missions. They charged the Chimera with one of there thunderwolf squads and ripped it apart pretty fast. There dreadnought dropped down and took some shots at the devilfish that we put away from the group just to see what they did. Lucky for us the melta missed. They also dropped the squad with the melta gun and multi-melta in it close to the dreadnought. They did this for two reasons they were just shy of 24” away from the inquisitor and because there were two objectives pretty close to there. One of them ended up being one of the real ones at the end of the game too so it turned out to be a good idea. The marines that dropped down managed to stun one of my Chimera's.

Tun 2 Roll: The first objective that we rolled turned out to be on there side of the board right were one of the squads of thunderwolfs, there Rune Priest /W a squad of gray knights and vulken and the sternguard came on. Jon and I where not happy about this but we figured its still early.

Our turn 2: We knew that this is when we could bring some pain because the best armor they had was AV 11. ( drops pods don't count lol ) Jon placed one of his broadside squads in position so he was able to get back armor on the dreadnought and we moved all his devilfish but one in range of the newly dropped marines. The medusa's also looked over at the new marines and the valk did the same. Jons other squad of broadsides destroyed one of there other rhino and my vendetta did the same. Jons devilfish was hiding behind a building but in range of the thunderwolf cavalry that killed our Chimera so he used his smart missile system and managed to kill one and they failed there moral test and almost ran off the board. I think it was like 1 ½ inches away from running off. We killed the dreadnought and put every shot we had left into the newly dropped marines. We wiped out one squad and left the other squad with only one basic marine left. We were very happy with this turn because they were still really far away from us and they seemed to be holding back with there cavelry. This was a smart move on there part though because they played the mission.

There turn 2: There final drop pod came down so they decided to drop it down close to there other drop pods to keep us busy. We knew this was there plan but we were not to worried about it. We figured that our devilfish and melta guns from the command squads would be able to handle that corner so we could start dropping pie plates on the Rune Priest and his friends. They dropped down and immobilized the Command squads chimera and did little else.

Turn 3 objective roll: The roll sucked again for us because it was close to the Rune Priest, Vulcan and the wolfs.

Our turn 3: My Chimera W/ the flamer squad started to make its way to there Rune Priests corner of the table. The medusa's, one of the devil fish, my Vendetta and a squad of broadsides joined them. We put down a lot of fire power so they made the choice to try to go to ground and try to just hold out till last tern because they knew as long as they had the wolfs hiding over there we could not get close with out getting slaughter. We managed to kill ½ the wolfs 3 out of 5 of the tac squad and get a wound on the Rune Priest because we fired almost everything at them. The other broadside team managed to finish off there last razorback leaving most of there team scattered in the middle of no were. We used the devil fishes and the melta's in the command squad to get there drop poding squad down to 5 guys (they still had a melta gun though).

There turn 3: They moved the drop podded close enough to a devilfish to pop it open and it blew up. Jon not listening to my advice put them close to the front of the blown up tank and his fire warriors ended up being assaulted and killed by the marines. No big lose but it could have been prevented. The squad of wolfs that was not close to the Rune Priest went behind cover for what we could only assume would be a last turn rush for the objective to kill anything we might have contesting over at the drop pod graveyard.

Turn 4 objective roll: It turned out to be the objective that was surrounded by 3 drop pods and very hard for us to get at because the wolfs were very close and with in assault range. Our idea was to just rush the objective last turn with a devilfish, the Tau HQ and a chimera and hope that they would not be able to kill all three in one turn.

Our turn 4: This was a good turn for us. We managed to kill the rest of the tac squad that held up with the Rune Priest and we managed to finish off Vulcan and friends (str10 AP1 on Vulcans head hurts) We also finished off the wolfs so there was only a Rune Priest in our way of holding that objective. I dropped off a squad of vets to melta a squad of space marines that started to head over to the objective close to the Rune Priests objective but sadly I only killed one. I was not impressed.

There turn 4: There wolfs came out to play. They managed to eat my command squad and were very close to the objective. They had a tac squad walking up to that objective and we had no doubt that they would be there by turn 6. We knew we had to push that corner hard after the vets failed to kill the marines. We knew that we had one objective for sure but the other two were very iffy. The marines that I failed to melta to death charge the vet squad and killed them in assault. They were close enough to the other objective that they would be there In 1 turn if not stopped. We had to slow them down at all costs.

Our turn 5: We moved a devilfish onto the objective that the Rune Priest had and pointed all of our broadsides at him. After removing his cover saved we put a railgun into his head and managed to one shot him with ease. The Objective was ours. All of our guns pointed at the drop pods Objective while I used a Chimera the vendetta and the chimera to make a wall on the objective that the marines started to head to. Lucky for wall was pretty long so they had no way of getting there before the game would end. The medusa's managed to wipe out a tac squad that was heading for the drop pods objective but there was still a few marines that could hold that objective. We knew that we only had one turn to drive as many things on it as we could because we were not 100% sure the wall would hold at the other objective. If they blew up the valk or Vendetta on turn 5 then they may have been able to contest that objective with the marines if they got a good run. We had to make sure the drop pod objective was contested at the end of the game.

There turn 5: There wolfs charged and immobilized the inquisitors Chimera. This was bad for us because we knew that we would only have a frail command and a devilfish on that objective to try to hold for the final turn to contest. There marines got close enough to charge the valk and vendetta but missed there DT roll ( thank god the win was ours and we knew it ). There was now no way they could contest that objective so we knew we would win either 2-1 or 2-0 depending on the drop pods objective.

Our turn 6: The devilfish and the commander both moved with in 3 inches of there objective. It was all up to them to hold the objective for one more turn. We shot everything we had left at any troop choices they had over there but they still managed to have 4 marines alive and the wolfs.

There turn 6: They felt pretty good about the marines power first being able to take out the Tau commander so they sent all the wolfs against the Tau devilfish. Sadly they were unable to kill either. The marines close to the valk and vendetta charged but were also unable to kill anything. The game ended 2-0 for us.

We got 22 Points for this round.

Round 3 coming soon

Return to Hellmouth Round 1

On Saturday January 30th 2010 10 brave souls from Peterborough embarked on a journey that would be full of bloodshed and tears.

Here in Peterborough we have a very diverse group of players that all bring their own ideas and tactics to the game. We managed to rally up 10 of these people for a tournament in Perry Sound on Saturday. It was a doubles tournament using the Ard Boyz point scheme. I decided to team up with my good buddy Jon. We are two very unique players and we share our love of strange and unique tactics that leave your opponent wondering what the hell happened. Sadly our list is pretty hardcore (it is an Ard Boyz tournament after all) but as Jon would say “Half of us are Tau, so give us a break”

I would love to give a shout out to Tammy in Perry Sound and thank her for a great time. Return to Hellmouth is a Doubles Tournament that they hold every year at the Don Cherry’s up there and after attending last year I knew that I would be returning every year after. Perry Sound has some of the best people you can meet in the world. They are always there to lend a hand and they are friendly as friendly can be. Any more friendly and they would be Pod people.

For this Tournament teams share a force organization chart. Each person has to bring 1 HQ and 1 Troop after that each can bring up to 1 Fast Attack/Elite/Heavy and there is also a floating slot that can be used. Only one team member may use each floating spot so for example you can’t both take an extra Heavy Support but one of you can take an extra Heavy Support and one of you take an extra Fast Attack.

Our List:

Imperial Guard (Peachykeen)

HQ 1 Company Command Squad

Upgrades: Chimera W/ Multi-Laser & Heavy Flamer, 3 Meltaguns, Regimental Standard, Krak Grenades

Total Points: 215

Why? I’m sure that everyone would agree that Company Command Squad is always a solid choice for the guard. Being able to have four plasma or meltas all with BS4 is something to drool over and let’s not forget about the dreaded Officer of the Fleet. If you reserve with this bad boy on the table chances are your coming in piece by piece and against guard that’s exactly how we want you. The regimental Standard is for Jon. He had the worry of his Broadsides taking some heavy fire and with only a four man squad if one dies then they have to take a dreaded LD7 test and that’s never fun. We all know how easy it is to make Loota’s run like a fat kid after an ice cream truck. We are only worried about keeping the Broadsides on the table for about two turns because after that chances are they have helped kill any threat that they are required to kill.

Elite 1 - Daemonhunters Inquisitor W/ two Hierophants & two Mystics

Upgrades: Chimera W/ Multi-laser & Heavy Bolter, Psychic Hood, Emperor's Tarot

Total Points: 168

Why? HELL WHY NOT? I personally think they need to make a Faq saying you can no longer us them in Guard armies. For about 83 points (if you don’t bring a Chimera) you get a LD10 Psychic Hood that works for the entire board, You make deep striking close to you a suicide mission, AND you have a better chance of getting turn 1. We brought this bad boy for a few reasons. First one is Eldar. They are a strong army and this will help to shut down their Psychic powers. A Seer Council on bikes without Fortune is most likely a dead one. Another reason is the dreaded drop pod lists. Normally there is not a lot of fear from this but if they drop 3 Ironclad or Venerable Dreadnoughts turn one right in our face that could be something that would scare the hell out of us. With the Mystics chances are those dreadnoughts are dead before they even shoot at us “thnx for the Kill Points”.

Troop 1 Veteran Squad

Upgrades: Chimera W/ Multi-Laser & Heavy Flamer, 3 Meltaguns

Total Points: 155

Why? 3 BS4 meltaguns in a Chimera. Enough Said.

Troop 2 Veteran Squad

Upgrades: Chimera W/ Multi-Laser & Heavy Flamer, 3 Flamers

Total Points: 140

Why? We knew that one of the teams going was going to have 45 Lootas so we thought to our self “If we get turn one and drive the valk with the 3 flamers inside of it into the heart of the Orcs then we can kill a squad of lootas (or most of them) with the Valk and another squad (or most of them) with the 3 flamers. We also figured our AT was already pretty solid and we wanted another way to deal with horde armies.

Fast Attack 1 Vendetta Gunship Squadron

Total Points: 130

Why? 3 twin linked lascannons that can either outflank, Deep strike or scout in AV12 for only 130 points. It can also move 24” and get a cover save a turn for the last minute rush for the win. There is really NOTHING bad about this unit.

Fast Attack 2 Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron

Upgrades: 2 Multiple Rocket Pods, Multi-Laser

Total Points: 130

Why? Ah yes the Vendetta’s brother. It has all the same strengths as the Vendetta but it’s for the times we need to pwn some horde instead of tanks. Being able to move 12” and still fire a 3 shot str 6 weapon and drop two Str 4 pie plates is nothing to overlook.

Heavy Support 1 Medusa Ordnance Battery

Upgrades: Enclosed Crew Compartment, 2 Heavy Bolters

Total Points: 300

Why? Two Str10 AP2 Pie plates a turn with range 36. It’s hard to say no to that if you ask me. This is for a lot of things really. Nobs, Terminators, and even normal Space Marines. One of the problems tau face right now is they don’t have any AP. They have a lot of str 5 shots but there AP is pretty lacking so that’s what the guard are here for. The Tau kill the tanks and the Guard help clean up and get in the way.

Tau (Jon)

HQ 1 Commander Shas'el

Upgrades: Twin-linked Flamer, Arbursting Fragmentation, HW Multi Tracker

Total Points: 81

Why? In Jon’s words this is the “I have to take an HQ. HQ.” Im not going to lie it does have its moments for instance we played one game where it came down turn two from Deep Strike and killed a full squad of lootas and then went on to cause a distraction.

3 squads of Fire Warriors all the same

Composition: 6 Fire Warriors

Upgrades: Devilfish Troop Carrier, Disruption Pod, Multi-tracker, Targeting Array, Smart Missile System

Total Points: 180x3 = 540

Why? Let’s be honest after the broadsides and the Pathfinders the tau are not bringing that much to the table. The Devilfish’s bring some pretty good fire Str 5 fire power and being able to have a cover save from anything 12” or more away makes them a great unit to get in front of my Heavy Support so I can get them a cover save. Once we take out the other player’s mobility the Fire Warriors move in and help lay down some fire power. They are also our main Objective holder because people are a lot more worried about killing the Guard then the Tau and we know this. We went into this tournament knowing that the Guard will be taking most of the shots.

Fast Attack 1 Pathfinder Team

Composition: 8 Pathfinders

Upgrades: Devilfish Troop Carrier, Disruption Pod, Multi-tracker, Targeting Array, Smart Missile System, Decoy Launchers

Total Points: 221

Why? Oh sorry did you smoke? Oh your 50% covered? Well let’s just get rid of that cover save while my Str10 AP1 Rail Guns put a whole the size of a house through your tank. That’s pretty much their job. Simple remove cover saves for the broadsides and if the dice are on our side give them better BS also.

Heavy Support 1 & 2 Broadside Battle Suit Team (Both are two man squads with 2 Shield Drones)

Composition: 2 Broadside Battle Suits

Upgrades: Team Leader W/ HW Target Lock, HW Drone Controller, 2 Shield Drones, HW Blacksun Filter, 2 Advanced Stabilization Systems

Total Points: 203x2 = 406

Why? Nothing pops an AV 14 tank better then a STR10 AP1 Rail Gun to the face of the driver. These suckers pop tanks for fun. Yes it would be great if they were ordnance but can we really have it all? That’s pretty much their job and they do it without flaw. The sad part is they are only LD7 so if one of those shield drones dies then they are taking a Leadership test. We brought a Standard to help us keep them on the table for the first two or three turns. After that they are on their own.

All in all we have a solid doubles list that works well together. We had about ten practice games to get the synergy down and I was pretty happy that we did because there were some pretty solid lists at the tournament. So without further ado our Battle report.

Round 1:

This Mission was kill Points with modifications. The modifications were; Troops = 3, HQ = 1, Fast Attack/Elite/Heavy = 2, Dedicated Transports = 1

Dark Eldar + Tau

HQ - Lelith W/ 6 Wytches and a Succubus in a raider dark lance

Troop 1 – 8 Wyches and 1 Succubus in a raider with a dark lance

Troop 2 - 8 Wyches and 1 Succubus in a raider with a dark lance

Troop 3 - 7 Wyches and 1 Succubus in a raider with a dark lance

Fast Attack 1 – 3 Jetbikes and 1 Succubus ( 2 blasters )

Fast Attack 1 – 3 Jetbikes and 1 Succubus ( 2 blasters )

HQ – Commander Shadow sun W/ 3 shield drones

Elite 1 – 3 Crisis Suits W/ Missile Pods & Burst cannons W/ 2 Shield Drones

Elite 2 – 3 Crisis Suits W/ Missile Pods & Burst cannons W/ 2 Shield Drones

Troop 1 – 6 Fire Warriors in a Devilfish

Troop 2 – 6 Fire Warriors in a Devilfish

Heavy Support 1 – 3 Broadsides

Heavy Support 2 – 3 Broadsides

This army had some pretty good shooty aspects to it. We knew that the broadsides and crisis suits could put enough hurting on us to allow the wyches to get close enough to put a hurt on us. Lucky for us we managed to get turn 1. We deployed really close together in the middle of the table and they deployed really tight in a corner using a building to block line of sight with most of there tanks.

Scout move: I used the scout move to get my valk close to there Jetbikes that they wanted to try to flank us with. I put a vet squad W/ melta's in the valk and I managed to get with in 12” of them with my scout move. I managed to put my vendetta into a place were his broadsides would not get a cover save. The tried to hide behind the building because they forgot about our scout move.

Our Turn 1: The valk moved 12” and the vets got out. The valk then pointed at the other squad of jetbikes. Jon got his fire warriors out of two of his devilfish and started to move 12” towards the building that they held up in. Our entire army pointed at the building to start to suppress as much fire as we could. Lucky for Jon and I this was a very good turn for us. My vets managed to wipe out the first Jetbike squad. After this the valk managed to get the other squad down to 1 bike and the Succubus. The Vendetta was earning its points by killing two broadsides ( he also failed his moral test bye bye broadsides ). Jon used his devil fish to get the remaining bike squad down to just the succubus. Jon fired his 4 broadsides at the full squad of broadsides and managed to get two of them down. Turn one we managed to get rid of 5 of there 6 broadsides so both of us were very happy.

There turn 1: The Jetbike succubus managed to charge and kill the vet squad that came out of the valk and the valk itself was taken down sadly by the remaining broadside. All four of the raider moved 12” and fired there dark lances but Jon made his 4 up cover save thnx for D pods. The crisis suits fired there missile pods but did not successful kill anything. Liliths squad and another wytch squad got out to try to assult the two empty Devil fish but had fleet rolls of 1 and 2 and then found themselves out of assault range by only 1 inch each.

Our turn 2: Jons HQ deep striked in and flamed a squad of wytches to death while my vendetta managed to finish off there final broadside. Our medusa's were finally in place to start dropping pie plates and managed to stun one of the raiders and destroyed another. Jon managd to finish off the Succubus on the bike with his devil fish. We knew that the crisis suits would be a small problem so we wanted to focus all of our fire power on the Dark Eldar. We managed to finish off another tank with the broadsides and kill Liltihs squad also this turn.

There turn 2: Shadow sun got close enough to destroy one of the empty devilfish and another wytch squad charged a squad of 6 fire warriors that we put out to slow down there wytches. Lucky for u they were unable to kill the Tau HQ with the crisis suits because it earned us another battle point. There other squad of Wytches got out but failed to get into the assault.

Our turn 3: My Vendetta managed to kill a raider while the medusa's and jons broadsides managed to kill the other raiders. We shot the rest of our fire power at the wytches and managed to finish off the Dark Eldar. At this time they had all of there crisis suits and there two devil fish with 6 fire dragons in each.

There turn 3: They moved out with there devil fish just hoping to get a few more kill points and shot everything at a squad of 6 fire warriors but Jon was just making those cover saves like it was gods will. After this we called it.

The people that we played against were two very good guys. We had a fun time and talked a lot before and after the tournament with them. I would play them again anytime.

We got 23 points for this round.

Round 2 coming soon....


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The New Trygon Prime

Here is a Trygon Prime painted by Tammy Federico. Tammy run's the gaming club out in Perry Sound and I think she did an amazing job.

The Trygon Prime is a great model. Great job GW. Great job. I must say though what is with this new wave of large models that EVERY army is going to want to use. First they did it with Imperial Guard and the Valk and now they are doing it with Nids. I hope GW does not think we are fooled by this tactic of charging $75 for a 130 point model that turns the army into a deadly force to be reconded with. I think there was extreme use of Cocaine when they wrote up the Vendetta and valk.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What type of War Gamer are you?

In Warhammer 40k we have a lot of different players such as:

We have the "FLUFF" player. They enjoy the stories of Warhammer 40k and make armies built around them. We all know a few people like this. I for instance know a guy who plays a pure Kroot army. He does this because he loves kroot. He has a fan codex that was made up a long time ago. God bless his heart because the army is not very good but he would not change it for the world.

We have the "TOURNAMENT" player. They enjoy playing in tournaments and like hard games. They will bring the best list they can think of and expect you to do the same. Normally these kinds of players are getting ready for that next big tournament.

We have the "THIS SOUNDS COOL" player. They make a list because they think it would look cool or play in a unique way. We all love these kinds of players because they bring us some pretty amazing new ideas that we might not have thought of without them.

We have the “I JUST WANNA WIN" player. They wanna win. They hate to lose, and play as hard as they can. They sometimes get upset when they lose but they are always ready for that next game for another chance to wipe you off the table.

We have the "I JUST WANNA PLAY" player. He is simply a guy who wants to get out of the house and play a few games. Maybe he has a few kids and a wife. He is just happy to get out and roll some dice with the guys from time to time.

We have the "RULES LAWYER" player. He prides himself on knowing the rules and makes sure you follow them or else there will be a heated debate, normally with you being wrong at the end.

We have the "I LOVE TO PAINT" player. This is a person who is more into the hobby side of the game. They enjoy painting and are very proud of the hard work they have put into there army.

We have the "I LOVE TO CONVERT" player. Winning and losing is normally not that big of a deal to this player. They have some amazing conversions and are just proud to show them off on the table.

Nothing is wrong with any of the gaming types but there are a lot of different kinds of gamers out there. We have to remember that just because we enjoy playing a certain way does not mean that we should expect others to act the same way. We need to allow people to enjoy the game there way and not force our feelings and thoughts on them. I personally fit into a few of the categories here. I’m sure a lot of us do and there are more that I’m sure I didn’t think of. So what type of gamer are you? Think about it for a bit and remember don’t let anyone tell you that you’re the wrong kind of gamer.



In my endless pursuit of becoming Dr.Peachykeen I have forgotten my beloved Blog. I loved writing this thing before school started and I need to start writing it again. I have also had many friends tell me they miss my blog, and they wish I would start writing it again. So IM BACK BITCHES! I’m back again to write about my favorite game Warhammer 40k.

I will be going to a tournament this weekend with 9 other friends in Ontario, and I’m hoping that I can bring gold home again. It will be myself and my teammate Jon fighting tooth and nail with some of the best players I know. We made the choice to play Imperial Guard and Tau together so I guess Sunday everyone will know how well we did. Battle Reports to come.